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Friday, October 1, 2010

Clean and Green

By Sandra Johnson

You don’t have to spend a lot of money on chemical cleaning solutions to make your home fresh and clean (and green); three natural cleaning products work equally as well.

Lemon juice can be used in kitchens and bathrooms to dissolve soap scum and hard water deposits. Furthermore, since approximately five percent of a lemon is acid, the juice helps to kill bacteria. Mixed with vinegar and/or baking soda, lemon juice can also be made into a cleaning paste. You can cut a lemon in half and sprinkle baking soda on the inside surface, and use it to scrub dishes, countertops and sinks, and to remove stains. The enzymes in citric acid cut through grease and make a greener alternative to abrasive store bought cleaners. If you mix 1 cup of olive oil with ½ a cup of lemon juice you can make your own furniture polish for hardwood surfaces.
Vinegar is a great natural cleaning product as well as a disinfectant and deodorizer. Mix a solution of one part water to one part vinegar in a new spray bottle to make a solution that will clean most areas of your home. There’s no need to worry about your house smelling like vinegar, as the scent disappears as the solution dries. Please note that the proportions are important as improperly diluted vinegar is acidic and can eat away at porous surfaces. Vinegar should never be used on marble surfaces.  Did you know that vinegar can even be used as a natural fabric softener for people with sensitive skin? Simply add ½ a cup of vinegar to the rinse cycle in place of store bought fabric softener.
Baking Soda can be used in place of commercial abrasive cleansers to scrub surfaces. Baking soda is also a great deodorizer. You can put a box in the refrigerator and freezer to absorb odors. I empty a box into my cat’s litter to keep it smelling fresh. Since it is natural, unscented and non-toxic, I know it’s safe for him. If you mix three parts baking soda to one part water you can make a paste to polish silver. Rub the paste onto each item then rinse with warm water and dry with a soft cloth. To remove scents from a carpet, sprinkle with baking soda, and let stand for at least fifteen minutes before vacuuming.
So, there you have it; three simple cleaning products that are readily available, not harmful to the environment, and very affordable as well. Now it’s time to go clean and get green. 

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